Ryback has asked for FBI help over a crazy stalker situation

Former WWE star Ryback faced some serious issues this week when he was threatened by a stalker. As he filed a report about the guy who terrorized him over Twitter, The Bug Guy did not receive a satisfactory response from the team. As a result, Ryback has proceeded with this report to the FBI while slamming Twitter’s behavior. He felt his account was being suppressed by them.

The former WWE star was having a conversation over Twitter and streaming the same on YouTube as The Ryback Show. A guy named “Chase” openly threatened to blow his head off and abused him, describing him as a “little b*tch. The Big Guy’s reaction to this terror was not shocking, but it was a reoccurring one with the same intensity. Only the difference this time is that the stalker has done it publicly, unlike the other times he did it personally to Ryback.

Ryback took to Twitter as soon as he found that guy’s account and wrote to Twitter about Chase’s mischief. The tweet had a screen recording of the actual show and of the particular moment when he was threatened. The Twitter user’s name was Mike, and his username was @FEEDINGTIME_. It was reported that this person’s fake accounts could be all over the internet. Therefore, Ryback asked Twitter’s team to handle his death threat situation with the provided information.

Goldberg and Ryback

However, Ryback’s situation was not taken care of by Twitter. As a result, he then opted to notify the FBI about dealing with his case. A day later, Twitter’s email reply to Ryback stated that his report was appreciated but that the violations were not infringed. A frustrated Ryback then tweeted about this helpless act of Twitter and showed his interest in the FBI handling the case. The Big Guy bashed Twitter while tagging former CEO Elon Musk and addressing Twitter’s unacceptable behavior.

The WWE Universe witnessed Ryback’s last match in WWE back in 2016. But ever since then, The Big Guy has been a prominent name on the internet. Fans enjoy his stories about WWE and hope for his return to the company. Ryback often hints at his willingness to wrestle in the ring.

Ryback has asked for FBI help over a crazy stalker situation

As the 41-year-old spends a lot of time on the internet, he listens to the fans and answers them. Ryback said that he is willing to have a match against Goldberg at any time in the future. He wants to give the WWE legend his farewell match. The Big Guy even wrote on Twitter about how massive this match could be in 2023.

His tweet stated the profit his return could bring in as the hype for this match would be incomparable. He did not state it to be on WWE specifically but has kept it open for any show that needs Ryback. Goldberg’s last match came against Roman Reigns at Elimination Chamber in 2022 for the Universal Championship.

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