Kanye West Once Yelled About Elvis During Tense Photoshoot: Watch

Kanye West is someone who knows how to go viral. Although he may not always be trying to do so, he finds a way. Much of this has to do with his immense celebrity. Overall, people are constantly checking for his antics, which leads to all of the wild headlines. In fact, sometimes, old footage of Kanye comes to light, and it brings forth some new storylines. Even last night, his album with Dr. Dre, Jesus Is King 2, was leaked in its entirety. It was a huge event for Ye stans, although some still don’t care.

One piece of footage that leaked online was video from a photoshoot in 2018 with Heji Shin. At one point, the photographer asked Ye if he could pose like Elvis Presley. Subsequently, Ye got upset and revealed just how disrespectful that request truly was. “I don’t want nothing that look like Elvis — he stole!” Ye said. “I’m talking to fake Elvis’s right now. Give me an African pose. Fuck I’ma do? I’m Ye posing like fucking Elvis?” Eventually, Kanye calmed back down and smiled at the photographer.

While speaking to Interview magazine a while back, Shin got to speak on this photoshoot and how it got testy at points. “He’s very aware of this dynamic between making images and being made into an image, and he felt uncomfortable being directed,” the photographer explained. “I could identify with him. For instance, he told me he wouldn’t do poses. He would only look straight ahead into the camera.”

Kanye West Once Yelled About Elvis During Tense Photoshoot

Ultimately, this entire scenario just showcases Kanye’s creativity and his awareness in practically every situation. He knows how he wants to portray himself, even when people are going to disagree with him. It hasn’t always worked out in his favor, but it has been something he has remained consistent with. Let us know what you think of this new clip from 2018, in the comments section below.

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